Motorcycle Repair: Throttle Free-Play (Slop in Throttle)

Hi Bill,
The throttle on my 1964 Honda Dream CA77 305cc has about 3/4 inch free play (slop) before it begins to open the carburator. Can you tell me please how to adjust this so as to take up the free play and tighten up the throttle?  Thanks so much for your help.  You have been very helpful to me before and your expertise is much appreciated.

Robert Trudeau

Robert, there is a lot of slop inherent in the design of the later slide-type throttle assemblies. Honda did make a provision for cable slack adjustment in the middle of the throttle cable, just about where it enters the frame hole, right ahead of the upper left side of the fuel tank.  blow up the image around #2 and you can see the cable adjuster illustrated there.

Bill Silver