QuestionHi Lazaros, I have a Suzuki 1982 SP250 that has no spark. I got ign. coil off ebay used and another (new bright orange) also. Both coils only have 1 tang for a wire. Looking at the manual I got for DR&SP 250 it shows two wires going into the coil going into what looks like each end of the same winding. One black and one yellow/black. Do I gang up these 2 wires to connect
to the single tang on the coil? Will this mc run without a battery? Do I need a battery to have spark. Do I have the right coil, or do I need get one with 2 connectors. A wire diagram I have shows a battery with the SP250 but no battery on the DR250.
Thanks much, Ron
AnswerHello Ron,
Before trying the new coils you purchased, disconnect the single Black/Yellow wire that's coming out of the ignition box (frame left-hand side, close to the front fork) from the main harness and with the original coil connected, crank the engine to see if you get spark.
If you do have spark, then the problem is either the "kill" switch, or, the main (key) switch, which is the most common issue on your bike.
If you don't, then you can try the new coils, by connecting the Black/yellow wire to the "tang" and the Black wire to the metal part of the coil body, making sure that none touches the frame.
If it works this way, you have to fasten the ignition coil in place, in a manner that insulates it from the frame, meaning that the metal part (armature) does NOT come in contact with the frame/ground. You can use wire-ties for instance.
You do not need battery for the ignition to work, but for the lighting system to function properly you do. If you run the bike without a battery it'll blow all the bulbs.
If you have more questions or need further explanation, don't hesitate to get back to me...
Best Regards,