I have a 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 500. Last week, my bike died on me shortly after starting it. When I tried to restart it there was no electrical power at all. I turned the key on and off but I could never get any electrical power. All my fuses were good except the main fuse was disconnected. The previous time I rode it I layed it down only going about 10mph so I figured that might have jolted it loose somehow. So I connected it back and it started right up, no problems. Well, the next time I went to ride it, it would do the same thing, I would turn the key and all the electrical would come on but as soon as I hit the start button everything would turn off, no power whatsoever.
I noticed however, if I wiggle the negative terminal the power would come back on, it usually still completely died when I hit the start button but after a few tries it would eventually start. What do you think the problem might be? Thanks.
AnswerHello Taylor,
Have you checked the battery terminals for looseness?
If yes, remove them and clean both the battery and the cable connection surface with contact cleaner and make sure there is no grease and/or oil present.
Reconnect, tighten properly, and check.
Check the negative wire connection to the engine ground, and the positive wire connection to the starter relay, for looseness and/or rust. Clean and tighten as/if required.
If the problem still exists, then most probably the battery has a bad terminal connection internally.
Best Regards,