Motorcycle Repair: motorcycle questions about a 1985 Kawasaki Vulcan..

My 85 vulcan i just picked up start now. Its been sitting for years is now on warm up pouring oul out of the carb filters,with a little gas smell in the mix.what componit is doin this? Or what cam i fix or chang on it?

Hello William and welcome to AllExperts.

Due to long-term immobility, the float valves stuck open in the Keihins your bike is equipped with. And because they don't have external overflow, when they DO overflow the fuel flows to the airbox. Usually in the airbox there is oil present due to the engine breather hose going in.
The fuel mixes with the oil, and comes out like gasoline-smelling-oil, as you said.

To fix this, you have to remove the carburettors and clean them thoroughly.
This process though is better be left to a pro, due to some particularities involved, which require expertise.
Of course, I'm not aware of your level of knowledge and capability, so I can only grade the difficulty of the procedure, and leave the decision to you.

On a scale from 1-novice to 10-expert, dismantling, cleaning, assembling and adjusting Keihin CVKs is at least a 7. It's your call...

Best Regards,