Motorcycle Repair: 03 bmw g450x
Questionrecently had a ground issue and fried some wires wondering how i can test the voltage regulator.
AnswerNate most of these units ground the negative side of the battery to the frame. Then every thing else is grounded to the frame in some way or another. Take off the pos cable first and connect a volt meter between the cable and the battery and see if there is a draw. Now hook up the pos cable and do the same with the neg cable and check to see if there is voltage going into the battery. If ok hook up the battery again and test the voltage across the terminals. Now start the bike and at idle check the charging out put the bring the rpm's up and hold around 2500 and recheck the output it should not exceed 13.8 volts. Some times if a regulator goes bad it wont increase or it will spike intermittently and can fry the CDI also. Ive seen them go as high as 27 volts,not good.