Motorcycle Repair: 1993 Sportster oil filter

I recently acquired a 1993 Sportster and drained all oils. According to the local (South Africa) HD dealer the replacement oil filter is part number 63796-77A. The rubber seal on this filter has a smaller diameter than the old one, i.e. inside = 61mm versus 63mm and outside = 69mm versus 72mm. This means that the seal of the new filter will only have a 2mm wide contact with the seat on the engine. Will this be enough or can I expect a blow-out and oil leak due to the oil pressure? Is there another filter that will give a better fit and seal? Can I use a Hypoid oil in the transmission? Your assistance and guidance will be appreciated. Regards, Paul.

The part number you gave me is correct for the filter. It doesnt take alot of rubber for a seal on the filter, since the oil is return oil which has less pressure. You asked about the oil. You can use it as long as it is designed for your tranny. You would have to check with the manufacture on that.