Motorcycle Repair: Compression Testing??

Hello. I own a 2010 Yamaha Majesty (YP400). When I checked the spark plug, I decided to check the compression. As the "Scooter" only has about 7200 miles. I figured it would be nice and high. Using my Mityvac brand compression gauge with 10mm adapter(Made by Lincoln). On a cold engine. Not started before checking. I got a Low reading of 110 PSI. The engine has a "Decompression Start" feature. Did I do something wrong here?? The Yamaha manual just instructs to use their tester and Extension.


Chris, Thats still an acceptable amount. The decomp mechanism is lowering the the pressure so it will start easier. Once the cylinder fires the engine speed picks up and the mechanism pulls back by a weighted centrifgal cam and the compression goes up.