Motorcycle Repair: starter-flywheel, xv920, ebay

I own an 83 750 virago with the typical starting problems. I have reed about a repair where the flywheel is reground at adifferent angle to pull the starter gear in further. I also read where one guy installed a bushing and plunger on the starter gear to make it ingage the flywheel. Can you advise on either fix or tell me who makes flywheel repairs.

I know about heses starter issues I have both 1983 XV Midnight Virago's, the 750 and the 920.
Here is some info that maybe usefull to you...
Also join this Forum. This is the Best Souce of Virago Info Anywhere.
I Rebuild Virago carburetors for a
There is a guy that does the flywheels and the ideler gear. I dont remember his name.
Inquire about it on the Forum. they will tell you.
It was a poor design from the get go.
Thats why there is a magnet in the bottom of that side cover.
I put a clip on the 2 spring clips on my starters. Just to tighten them just a bit.
Also a Perfectly tuned carburetor wil slip the starter alot less.
My XV920 hardly ever misses during the summer. And only 1 short time during the winter.
I'm sorry I cant be of more help...
I got the clip and starter shim kit off Ebay for about $25.00.