Motorcycle Repair: Changing the left headgasket on cx500 honda motorcycle, honda cx500, cx500 honda
head gasket removeal 1
Need to know how to get to the head gasket ather removing the 4 head bolts and rocker arm and water intake and the two back bolts
AnswerRobert, I assume you have drained the cooling system, disconnected the exhaust header pipe and the intake manifold already. The photo is a little out of focus so I can't see everything I want to.
The gasket could have an adhesive on it that is sticking, along with the steel locating dowels which keep everything centered can be rusted into the head or block.
I don't see much else preventing head removal. I use those plastic mallets with the steel shot inside (dead blow hammers), to impart some force without damaging the surface of the metals I am pounding on. Usually a well-placed blow in a 45 degree angle to the head will impart vertical and some horizontal movement to sticking parts.
More specific tech info here:
Bill Silver