Motorcycle Repair: clutch cable installation, clutch cable, oil leakage
QuestionI have a 73 cb 5oo 4. Im trying to install a new clutch cable. However, when I started to remove the cover, top 2 bolts removed then when removing the bottom 2 bolts oil started leaking out. Is this normal for just installing a clutch cable? Could it be done without the oil leakage? thank you. I have the manual but it doesnt have any info on cable installation. kurt
AnswerKurt,my books dont go back that far but try this. If the fuel tank isnt full try laying the bike on something so the oil will go to the opposite side. You dont have to go all horizontal or any thing use a upside down bucket on the handlbars or lean it against something.This should allow you to pull even the side covers without losing all the oil.