Motorcycle Repair: 81 Virago XV750 missing and backfiring, virago xv750, ultrsonic

Can you suggest most likely causes of a Virago XV750 running rough, stalling, backfiring. Do you have knowledge of any Virago
maintenance types in the Bay Area. I love this motorcycle and want to keep it going.

Yes I have the knowledge. I am a Virago carburetor Specialist.
I think its time to have them Professionaly Rebuilt.
They are gummed up and need a good Ultrsonic Cleaning and rebuilt with new carb kits.
My work is Guaranteed. When you get them back they will look and operate like new ones.
They will be ready to install and adjust the fuel mixtures. (pilot jet screws).
I also will provide all the Tech support needed to insure a sucessfull install....Joe
Payment is required in advance to :   [email protected]
via PayPal so you have Buyers Protection. Check out my website, and the testimonials
and feedbacks about my work.
Price for a rebuild is $225.00. The site may say $250.00 but I am offering a Special...