Where can I get a starter motor for a 1984 Suzuki Tempter 650?
I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
AnswerHi Kyrk,
Being a mechanic I can help with repairing things but parts
are not really my department. If it was my bike I would
look into rebuild kits like this:
If the starter is beyond rebuilding then cycle salvage yards and ebay might be the only
place one would show up for a bike that age.
Many of the japan built bikes use a similar starter type MITSUBA SM-8227 // SUZUKI 31100-15510
A search for the suzuki part number brings up a number of places with a listing:
The new starters are $400-$600 so looking for a used one in salvage or rebuilding the old one might be best.
Sorry I have little parts info just mechanical info mainly.