Motorcycle Repair: 1986 xl 883, rocker boxes, cam gear
Questionmike thanks for your reply .i fired her up just now ,i found that when i installed the ignition control module sensor that i mashed the r/g/b wires under my starter when i put it back on.the control module and the sensor wernt hookin up .its popin runnin rough but idles.i know the back two cam gear marks were off line by a tooth ,i figure i need to get at the cams again and make sure there marks are i need to check the piston position ? is it possible to correct the cam gear marks without removing rocker boxes / push rods / or retarding or advancing sensor. / thanks chris
AnswerThe only way to remove and turn the cams are to remove the pushrods. You cant remove the cams with pressure on them. Before removing the sensor mark the location and then you can put it back in the same place. When you remove the cam cover check the marks on each cam and make sure they lign up. the piston does not hve to be on TDC to do this.
Happy holidays