Motorcycle Repair: 81 CBX, oil filler, loose connection
QuestionNeutral lite goes on with each gear shift. Stays on when I engage the clutch. Goes off when the clutch is not engaged.
AnswerSounds like there may be a loose connection or a problem with your neutral light switch. It is located under a little cover just above the oil filler. Teke the cover off (2 10mm chrome capped nuts) and don't lose the washers and spacer that is used with the special grommet for this cover. The neutral switch is the brass looking thing with the wire attached to it. Easiest is to just exchange it if suspected faulty. To troubleshoot, the light goes on when the wire touches ground, so to start diagnosis I would disconnect the wire and make sure that the neutral light does not come on at all. You should be able to start the engine if you pull the clutch in. Verify no neutral light without the connection made. If you see a neutral light, start looking for chafed wires or shorts in the loom. If you take the switch out, don't start the engine unless you want oil on the foor. Double check: Verify a neutral light if you touch the wire to the big brass part of the switch.
Good luck, Jan