Motorcycle Repair: Seals for 1983 Yamaha Carb, Yamaha Shaft Seals, Virago

I have a 750 Maxim and I am looking for the vacuum seals that go on the carburetor flaps. It is the cup seal that goes on the outside of the shaft on both sides of the carb. Need for all four carbs.

The U-Cup Shaft Seals. I have them NEW.
They come in 2 pieces. A back up ring, then the Shaft Seal.
The whole sent is 16 pieces. They fit perfect.
I sell them for $50.00 for a complete set for a Maxim.
Visit my website
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Pay $50.00 and make a notation that its for 1 complete set of Carb
Shaft Seals for a 750 Maxim.
I can ship them out tomorrow....Joe
I had these Manufactured special for XV,XJ,XS,and Maxim Carburetors..
My Number is 619-730-1132....
I can also be contacted at: [email protected]