QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2008 Harley XL 1200 Sportster, I had a huge racket coming from my lifters while riding and immediately shut it off. The oil that was in the engine was terrible, way past its use. (I know, I am an idiot). I pulled the top covers off and assessed for any damage, there was none. I opened the cover and the cams and the oil pump gears look fine. I put in fresh oil, and new filter, I have oil comming out of the pump and going to the filter, flow seems to be good, however when I started the bike the valve train is still making a racket. I let it idle for a while but not long because I was afraid something would get damaged, I tried three more times not letting it run more than a minute each time and the there just doesn't seem to be any oil getting to the lifters.
ANSWER: Does the oil light come on? Are all the lifters making noise or is it just one? You need to see how much oil pressure your running and let me know.
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QUESTION: The oil light came on, and was told that once it comes on it needs to be replaced, which I did. It seems to be only the rockers in the front (exhaust) that are making the racket. No oil getting to it. I have checked every port and avenue and there is no clog. I have not done a reading on the pressure, so I will. I did see a thread on line that talked about a check valve in the oil filter mount that had not been loctited in place, and came loose. Could that be it?
Have agreat Thanksgiving and thank you for your time.
ANSWER: You dont need to replace the oil light when it comes on. Its just a light. One thing I forgot, when you run the bike and looking in the oil tank, do you see a oil flow? Its not the check valve. That is just a bypass if the oil filter is clogged. Get a oil pressure for me if you can
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QUESTION: Thanks again Mike. No, no flow in the oil tank. The last cat I talked to (and looked at it) said the the pump is working, it just is not giving enough pressure. He suggests a new oil pump. Still have not gotten that pressure measurement for you.
You rock for answering me during Thanksgiving.
AnswerIf you dont see any oil movement in the oil tank, then the oil pump is not working. You should be able to see the oil being returned to the tank. If the pump side was working and not the return side the bottom end would fill with oil. I think you will find you have no pressure.
Your going to have to pull the oil pump, tear it apart and do an inspection.
Good luck and happy thanksgiving