Motorcycle Repair: Attack from Hurricane Sandy 84 FLHTC partially submurged, crank case breather, header pipes

Motorcycle Repair: Attack from Hurricane Sandy 84 FLHTC partially submurged, crank case breather, header pipes
first harley  
Can I save an 84 flhtc that was sitting in salt water in a garage for three days that was 18-22 inches deep? The water came over the crank case breather but not into the carb or the heads through the header pipes.All the electrical stuff works, but did not try to start it till after I drain all the fluids with kerosene and put new fluids in. The starter probably needs to be changed and the bearings and shafts on the wheels, floating disks also.    This is my first Harley and has sentimental value. Please tell me that it can be saved.

Water is really hard on bearings and salt water is even worse. I would drain all the fluids and refill with oil. Start and run the bike until it warms up. Drain the fluids. If they are foaming looking or you see water, refill and run until it warms up again and drain. Keep doing this until the oil has no water in it
Good luck and happy riding