Motorcycle Repair: hot bike, rocker boxes, exhaust pipes
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 96" s & s motor with evo rocker boxes-- the rocker boxes get so hot and stay hot when i shut off the bike longer than the exhaust pipes-- I have a new ignition and coil and still have same problem-- please help going crazy and just want to ride-- Thanks Neil
ANSWER: Whats the temp of the oil? pull your plugs and let me know what color they are. Is this something that just started, or has it been this way all along?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Not sure of oil temp but plugs look great - here it is in a nut shell I have over 100,000 miles on original motor blew the crankshaft bearing got a new crank and down the road - then the problems began. Running hot changed ignition and coil still running hot . Got my hands on 96" s&s and threw that in. I am using my original carb and rocker boxes and still running hot. Changed ignition and coil again same thing . Getting frustrated and want to ride please help. Could it be in fuel delivery and need to rebuild carb. Not sure where else to look. It is a bourget with oil in frame but could not see why problem with oil getting hot in frame after 100,00o miles. Also bike has been re-wired so is it possible frame is getting charged and heating up oil. Thanks Neil
Answer If it were the plugs would not look good and the bike would run rough. Also, if it were the carb it would not run correctly. I would say its either the oil is partically plugged in the frame or your oil pump is not putting out enough flow. Both would cause the bike to over heat. I would check the temp of the oil and the oil pressure