Motorcycle Repair: 1990 FXR, needlenose pliers, cam case

QUESTION: Just changed the gaskets on my oil pump and cover. Now I have no oil returning to the tank and the oil light is on. I put everything back according to the manual. Any ideas?


ANSWER: Sounds like one the keys did not get into place and the pump gears are not turning. There are 3 keys

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I only saw two keys. I took it back apart and both keys were in place. I turned over the motor with the cover off and the gears were turning. Where is the other key? I never took the shaft out. Any other ideas?

The other key is inside the cam case behind the oil pump gear. Turn it again, but hold onto the gear with some needlenose pliers. If it just spins then the inside key is out. If you can keep the gear and shaft from turning then its ok.
Another reasom that you didnt have any pressure was you didnt prime the oil pump or it was air bound. You can put it back together and remove the top caps and squirt oil in.