Motorcycle Repair: 84 goldwing clutch, brake bleeder, clutch system
Questionjust bought the bike on the way home pulled up to a stop light pulled in the clutch and the bike lunged forward no cluych re placed the slave cyl and still no clutch any idea
AnswerDave the Wings were not a fair weather bike a lot of riders rode them rai or shine so the brake fluid in the clutch system aborbed a lot of moisture.Toke the bleed screw out of the slave and put teflon tape on it but dont cover the holes put it back in and lightly seat it. Pull the master cover and have fresh fluid ready.Borrow a brake bleeder or use a mity-vac had pump from like an Auto-Zone. Put the hose on the bleeder screw pull a vac the open the screw it should pull any air and fluid down into the slave and out. Wiggle the clutch lever to dislodge any air and keep the res topped off "Dont let it run dry " once all the air is out tighten the screw and top off the res and pull the hose off and put the lid on and see if this helps.