Motorcycle Repair: Oil blowing out of the crankcase breather, rube goldberg, crankcase breather
QuestionMike: you've helped me before, and I think I have that problem solved. Now a new one has arisen; when the bike starts it pukes over a quart of oil out of the breather. Plus if I fill to the top mark on the dipstick, it pukes that out also. This maybe a problem in the oil line routing, but I need your expertise before I go any further. I may have told you before, this is a used 91 FLHC, that has been mickey moused together (Rube Goldberg style). I fix one problem and another arises. Very frustrating. Thanks for your help.
AnswerOil coming out of the breather when you start the bike usually is caused from the oil pump. What happens is there is a check ball in the oil pump which is suppose to close when the bike is not running. At times oil will weep past the ball and go into the bottom end of the bike. When you start the bike the oil cant pump the oil back fast enough so it goes out the vent. What you need to do is remove the cap and spring, take a punch and taop the ball. That should reseat it. If it still leaks through then try replacing the ball
Good luck and happy riding