Motorcycle Repair: 83 honda sabre 750, snap ring pliers, clutch master cylinder

hi. i'm hoping you can provide a little insight for my problem. riding last week the clutch lost most resistance. when squeezed very hard it would still engage but has since stopped working all together. when the initial problem happened the bike was running very hot, (100f+) outside. i appreciate any information you may have regarding this type of problem. thanks.

Joe, the clutch is hydraulic, so just a small version of the brakes on your car/truck. Obviously, the first thing to do is to make sure there is enough brake fluid in the reservoir. This is regular DOT3 or DOT4 brake fluid, used in cars.

The clutch master cylinder provides the hydraulic pressure to move fluid down to the slave cylinder which pushes the clutch pushrod against spring pressure to release their grip on the clutch plate set.
#6 is what you need, as long as the master cylinder bore is okay.

I would get repair parts for the slave cylinder, as well.

#18, #11

Use the current Honda part numbers for reference and order locally.

You will need special 90 degree angled snap ring pliers to get the snap ring out of the back end of the master cylinder. You might want to just take off the parts and have a Honda shop clean and install the parts, so you can put them back on the bike.

I'll warn you that bleeding the hydraulic system is often very challenging, if you don't know much about how to expel air bubbles from a closed fluid system.

After almost 30 years, the rubber parts inside the clutch system need to be replaced. Check the hydraulic hose condition, too. You may want to replace it, as well.

Bill Silver