Motorcycle Repair: 2001 Dyna wide glide, dyna

QUESTION: My bike starts just fine, but it just shuts down about 1/2 hour into the ride. The 1st time it happened, I let it cool down for about 20 min. then it started up, and ran fine. Went to ride home, once again started fine, about 1/2 hr. down the road it died. Not sure what the problem is, any suggestions?

ANSWER: When you say it shuts down. Are you talking no spark, or no electrical at all? Is it fuel injected or carberated?

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QUESTION: not fuel injected. it just dies while im driving, but not right away. then if it sits for about 20mon. it will start right up.

First thing you need to check is when it shuts down do you have spark. Pull a plug and holding it to the head crank the motor over and see if your getting spark. If not then you have a bad ignition. If you have spark then look down the throat of the carb. When you twist the throttle are you getting a shot of fuel?