Motorcycle Repair: Wont start, dyna ignition, compufire

Started bike Saturday, it ran for about 10-15 seconds then shut off and won't start. So far I have checked fuel, seems to be ok (also tried using starter fluid, with no attempt to fire) I am pretty certain it is spark related. I have checked for spark at plugs (no spark) do I spend the 100$ for a coil or do you have any other suggestion for a more "common" issue?

Thanks in advance,
Mike in PA

ANSWER: What year and model?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dang sorry '89 FLHS

No problem.

First thing I would check is to see if you have power to the coil. When you turn on the ignition do you have 12 volts to the coil? If you dont then you have a short. If you do then you either have a pickup problem or a ignition modual problem. If you have that problem then I would replace the ignition with a ignitiion that goes in the cam cone like a Compufire or a Dyna ignition
Good luck and happy riding