Motorcycle Repair: 2004 kawasaki vulcan 1500 classic, kawasaki vulcan 1500, clutch fluid
QuestionHi I am not sure if you can help me but I would appreciate it if you can I noticed a little leak on the left side near the clutch pedal and now I have noticed that it will not switch out of neutral I have checked the clutch fluid and it was low i assume from the leak I am not sure where the leak my be if you can please help and let me know I would appreciate it
AnswerBrandon, the clutch is operated by a slave type actuator that has "dot 3 or 4 brake fluid in it. It is water soluble. Also it can be removed and rebuilt or you can replace it for about $80.00 the part # is 13231-1071. Then bleed the air out and the clutch will start operating properly and it should shift easily back to nuetral again.