Motorcycle Repair: honda magnum v45 1983, clutch lever, mity vac

how or where do you bleed the clutch?

Randy, The bleeder screw is on the slave cylinder on the lower left side of the engine. The cover may still be on your bike that goes over the slave cylinder. There is a bleeder screw sticking out of the top of it and it looks like the bleeder screw on the brake wheel cylinder. The best way is to invest about $39.00 in a mity-vac from the local auto parts house. It is a hand held vaccum pump.Pull the bleeder screw out and put on some teflon thread tape and try not to cover the holes in the screw. Install the screw and hook the vac hose up and start pulling a vaccum open the master cylinder and make sure it does'nt run out of brake fluid. Open the bleed screw and start pulling the fluid down through and getting the fresh fluid in and the air out. Once the air is pulled out close the bleeder screw fill the master cylinder and put the lid on and screw down the pump the clutch lever,it should work now.