Motorcycle Repair: 82 Kawasaki 440 LTD Speedometer, kawasaki 440 ltd, ebay motors
I just purchased the Kawasaki in the subject heading and we knew the speedometer didn't work when we bought it. I did realize that it is a spotty connection, with the odometer and the speedometer occasionally giving some feedback. What I was wondering is could I fix this on my own? the cable seems to be connected at the wheel still, and technically connected at the back of the speedometer itself but i THINK the bolt that holds the cable from wiggling, on the back of the speedometer, has snapped off. If this is true do I need to find a new speedometer, and if so is that a repair I can make or is that one somebody else should do? The picture shows the part of the speedometer that wiggles around and I cannot secure it back on.
AnswerI suggest looking at other speedometer pictures/diagrams. I am not familiar with your model, sorry. Check on ebay for pictures and used items, perhaps you can obtain one inexpensively.
A service manual will help but may not be needed if you can find the information needed. Sorry I can't be of more assistance. :(