Yamaha Engine
Was wondering if you knew anything about Yamaha engines? Based on the other expert's info most are specific to a particular name (i.e. Harley, Honda).
If you can help me my dad has this Yamaha engine. I'm not sure of the year or what model Yamaha this engine goes to. That is what I'm looking for as well as any other info that can be provided.
I have provided a picture and a number "1J7 108206." If you require additional pictures I can send them.
Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.
ANSWER: Tina, It looks like a 850 cc street bike engine from the late 70's. I'll try to check the engine number you sent. The picture you have looks like a couple of bikes Ive had in in the back corner of the shop for parts. Suzuki had a 750 3 cylinder 2 stroke called the " water buffalo" Triumph did it also but not to many mfg companies made a 3 cylinder engine.
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Yamaha engine 2
QUESTION: A friend of mine also told me that it's a a kickstart 3 cyl, direct drive no chain, 75-79. Would that possibly sound right?
I did some further searching and found a site similar to this site where you ask questions. The number was different than what mine is but part of the answer that was of interest to me was about the "1J7." The answer said, "1J7 is the model code for XS750 Yamaha." Would you know if that would be correct?
I also have attached another photo. I would like to attach more but we're only allowed one photo.
Thank you again for your help with this.
ANSWER: Tina, There is a kick start shaft sticking out of the right side cover so you are correct that its shaft drive and a kick start model from the late 70's. May I ask what are the plans for this engine?
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QUESTION: It belongs to my father. He was actually going to scrap it until my friend looked at it and told him the information I gave to you above (I.e. kickstart, 3 cyl, direct drive no chain, 75-79) and told him he should try to sell it as a fixer upper or parts piece instead of scrapping it. That's why I'm trying to find out as much as I can about it so I can try and sell it for him since he is computer illiterate.
AnswerTina,May I offer some suggestions. These bikes and engine combo were kind of orphaned by Yamaha so not to may people are restoring these bikes You might even advertise the engine for mini sand buggy builders or McPherson College in McPherson Kansas as they have the only Auto restoration class in the U.S. and are now restoring older motorcycles. They have even done some of the auto's for Barrett/Jackson and for Jay Leno. So maybe this could be an option to help you get rid of it..