Motorcycle Repair: 82 cb900c, rubber tip, needle valves

I hope you can help me.
I just started my bike for the season! everything sounds good but im having an issue with fuel.

I drained the tank and added 2 liters of 87 octane fuel. it started after a few trys with the choke. The issue im having, is that the nipples under the carbs are leaking. I took the carbs off and took them apart and cleaned them out with break cleaner (including the floats and everything.)and put everything back together. its running even better now but its still leaking. as if there is way too much fuel being poured into the carbs.

please help me with this issue.

thanks in advance

Did you just drain the tank or did you drain the carbs too?  If you didn't drain the carbs, then either the floats are stuck, or the needle valves are dirty.  They need to be spotless, and the floats need to be clean and freely moving.  The needle seats have to be cleaned inside with carb cleaner (not brake cleaner) and ensure the rubber tip of the needle valve (if rubber) is completely clean and free from indents.  Good luck,  Jan