Motorcycle Repair: cluch cable 98 evo1340 and 82 iornhead sport, clutch cable, cluch

QUESTION: It started w my 82 sportster clutch cable broke rode home banging out gears ie no clutch   replaced cable had done it before got it back together will not disengage ordered clutch spring compressor from J.P.    then noticed my other bike 98 evo 1340 motor on chop w baker trans clutch cable holding at handlebar by one strand got cable took of old cable ie using clymer manual took out ramps put back together adj pushrod bolt and lock nut at insp cover. then tightened slack at cable clutch wont disengage when in gear ie pulling in clutch. is my cable too long i have to adjust the mid way point all the way out to get the proper clearance? do you have to fill it up with gear oil before it will work? any help would be greatly appreciated it feels like im missing something really simple thats not obvious in the manual

ANSWER: On both bikes, go back and recheck the adjustment on the clutch spring, but take out the slack in the cable first.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for answering so quick I really enjoy reading all the advice given and do apreciate the help I will try again tomorrow  Everything I have read about clutch issues says to give slack to the cable.  Just to make sure I have it correct I should 1) 1998 evo 1340 engine on chopper frame with baker trans  take out slack in cable. should I have it in hand leaver perch or out but without slack? then loosen locknut and adjust clockwise until snug then back off 1/8th turn. the ramp needs to be down right? is the cluch adjuster too tight and thats why it will not engage when clutch is pulled? when clutch is pulled the lockplate should not move correct?  again I should adjust bolt at derby cover without any slack  in cable. Its crazy it worked when I took it off...   Also the small nilon barrel that came with the clutch cable just slines right through the hole holding the clutch cable at handelbar it this an indicator that I have too long of a cable I called J&p they sent me a cable for a 2001 big twin the evo cable is about 5 inches shorter but it still will tighten enough to engage.. please help thanks

The EVO your talking about you should loosen the cable so there is slack in it. Lot of play in the lever. Then go to the clutch and loosen the locknut. Turn the adjuster screw inward, just until it touches and then back out about 1/8 turn. Tighten the locknut. Go back to the cable and adjust it so there is about 1/8 inch play in the lever.
On the sportser do the same thing, except when your checking make sure the actuator is all the way to the rear of the primary.
Good luck and happy riding