Motorcycle Repair: CBX 1982 Starter Issue Wont turn over, starter wire, starter button
QuestionStarter won't turn over the engine. The solenoid clicks and ignition lites dim when you hit the starter button. It has a new battery and I thoroughly cleaned all the connections on the solenoid battery and starter. I tried to short the solenoid but no luck. How do I take out the starter without breaking anything?
AnswerThe starter sounds like the problem, if shorting the solenoid did not give starter action. By the fact that the lights dim, it means it is probably getting power. First remove either battery terminals and make sure it does not make contact anywhere. The starter can be removed fairly easily, if you remove the final drive sprocket cover, and the engine protection bracket behind it (all 10mm bolts) you will see the two 8mm bolts securing the starter. One has the engine ground wire attached. Remove the two bolts, and you will be able to wiggle the starter. Remove the main starter wire (10mm nut) and wiggle the starter out of the hole, it is held in only by an 'O' ring. R&R the starter and reverse the procedure for installation. Good luck, Jan