QuestionQUESTION: Hello,
My son would like a small dirt bike to ride around our 1.25 acre property. I would like to ride it occasionally too!
Here are 2 websites that sell pocket mini dirt bikes:
What do you think of them?
Or should we look for a used dirt bike? Here is a 2003 Yamaha on cragislist selling for $500 at
He said no repairs are needed.
What do you recommend?
Noise is a factor, I don't want to bother the neighbors too much.
ANSWER: Jeff,Its finally up to you.But if its any consolation heres some insight. You will probably get tired of the small pocket bikes however depending on the size and stature of both of you a small 4 stroke used dirt bike might be better. The reason is a lot of the pit bikes and pocket type bikes are built in China and dont last let alone finding a dealer willing to work on it if it goes bad. Also if the bike is to big your son may fall or crash and get discouraged and wont ride. My son started on a Honda XR 70 it was slow but he had a lot of fun. He moved up to a Yamaha YZ80 which was extremely fast but he kept getting hurt.He moved up to a Kawasaki KX125 and he did'nt get hurt as much. He learned to respect its power. If you get a 2 stroke they will be a little more tempermental and noisey. The four stroke might be a little more forgiving especially just starting out.
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Thank you very much!
I don't even remember what 2 stroke or 4 stroke means. I also don't know how I would tell when I look at one?
Thanks again,
AnswerJeff, The two stroke is the type of engine design that has no oil in the engine per say but uses a pre-mix or oil that is injected into the gas mix to lube the crank,and piston. The four stroke is more the straight gas and has valves and oil in the crankcase and does'nt require oil in the gas for lubrication.