Motorcycle Repair: 2007 honda shadow vt600c cuts out at low throttle, lucas fuel injection, fuel injection cleaner
Questionmy bike had previously been sitting for about 5 years. I just had the gas tank acid washed and relined and the carb cleaned. now it doesn't run too bad. The only problem I'm having is that after letting the bike idle for about 5 minutes it cuts out. also at low revolutions the bike cuts out. at about past 1/8 or 1/4 throttle the bike is fine. I really don't wanna take it back to the shop so I'm looking for a fix myself online. any help would be greatly appreciated!
AnswerAlexandre,You may be on the right track but it still sounds like carb related issues. These carbs can be so finicky. There may still be some debris in one of the passages.Also make sure the floats are set at the proper level.Then the mixture screws are set right then have the carbs syncronized to flow perfectly into the cylinders. Sometimes the valves being to tight make it hard to start as well as run crappy. Also take the stock spark plug and go one step hotter by switching to the next lower number.Example (if the plug was a B8ES go to a B7ES) and put in about a 1/2 bottle of Lucas Fuel injection cleaner not carb cleaner. This will help break down any crap left in system. Run this tank out and put in the other 1/2 bottle this should help.