Motorcycle Repair: gs 500 suzuki, regulator rectifier, blown fuse
Questioni tried to charge my motorbike with a car charge how ever no light nor starter is coming , could i have hooked up the battery wrong or blew a fuse, does the gs 500 have an amp, and how many fuses does it carry please help
AnswerPatrick,The bike does have a main fuse that could be blown. The power to the switch turn signsls horn and even the start button all come through it. The other problem may be that jump starting a motor cycle battery with a 10 amp an hour capacity with an automotive battery that can have as much as 600-900 amps can make for ugly problems as you can see. It could be as simple as a blown fuse it can fry the voltage regulator/rectifier or even worse the stator and CDI which can be very expensive to replace. On the posetive battery cable there is usually another small gauge wire that runs out of the battery cable end into the harness to the front of the bike the main fuse is most likely in that circuit.