Motorcycle Repair: front wheel removal, yamaha ttr125, wheel hubs

I have an 05 Yamaha TTR125 dirtbike.  I am trying to get the front wheel off but the axle bolt won't come all the way out.  It seems as if it is binding on the forks.  They both are spreading out and twisting as the bolt is being tapped out.  Any suggestions?  I am new to working on these!  Thanks!

Susan,On this specific bike the axle is held in with a nut on the end of the axle bolt. I have had a lot of Yamahas in the shop that the axles corrode and rust inside the forks or bearings inside the wheel hubs. Spray the fork area where the axle goes through the casting with wd40 or a typre of penetrating oil let it soak in then get evil with the axle bolt and pound it out with a brass punch or aluminum so the threads arent damaged. It will come out. Before installing this axle back in sand it or polish it and put on a moly type grease or wheel brg grease,just a small amount and smear it all over so it will go togethor easy and come apaqrt next time easier. If you get and spray or grease on the brake rotor spray it with brake clean and wipe down with dry rag,so your brakes will work.