Motorcycle Repair: HD 883 hugger, electronic ignition module, bill silver

ride few miles quits, no spark, changed coil and did not fix help!

Jeffrey, I'm sure you noticed that I am NOT a H-D expert. Never owned one and never rode one.

You've learned the hard way that motorcycle coils are seldom the cause of "no spark". I don't know what year your bike is, so it could still have points and condenser or electronic ignition. If it is old school points and condenser, the points need cleaning, gapping and setting for correct spark timing for that application. When the condensers fail, you get arcing across the points and a random, weak spark at the coils.

If it is a more modern bike, then the ignition signals are usually generated by a pulse generator, triggered off of the flywheel/crankshaft/stator area. That signal is sent to the electronic ignition module, which then triggers the coil based on rpm, crankshaft position and other parameters, depending on the model.

It sounds like a heat-generated issue, where the affected component is failing after it warms up, which is typical of electronics failures. But you have to do your troubleshooting, step-by-step.

I think there is a HD specialist on this site who can easily answer your question, but you do need to give him the year, model, info on mods, etc.

Bill Silver
aka "MrHonda"