Picked up an answer given back in 2007 regarding a DT100 in which you suggested the float height should be set to approx 20mm. Can you tell me where this is measured from?
I am having real trouble with setting the height, I started with it flooding, then I have no fuel at all.I can not find a happy mid point.
Any advice really appreciated, trying to put a 1977 UK bike back on the road after 30 years!
AnswerHi Richard,
The float height for the DT100 is about 21 mm measured by
removing the float bowl, turn the carb upside down and
measure from the gasket face of the carb, gasket removed
to the bottom of the float with the tang of the float
JUST touching the needle valve but NOT compressing the spring in the valve.
When correct the fuel will fill the float bowl up
to where the bowl meets the carb.
If you have any plugged air vents in the carb
it may tend to flood.
Soaking the carb in Yamaha carb cleaner is the
best and safest way to clean them.
Make sure your float needle and valve are
sealing good when you raise the float.
Check that the float is moving freely and
that it is capable of floating.
Some floats can leak or go bad.
Good luck!
Wayne S.