Motorcycle Repair: 1975 Harley Sportster, spring compressor tool, harley sportster
QuestionQUESTION: My husband and his friend are working on the clutch of this bike. They have replaced everything and are now ready for reassembly. The problem is, they can't seen to get the springs to compress enough to put on the plate. Is there a trick to this or a special tool needed?
ANSWER: There is a spring compresser tool you need.
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Where can I get this spring compressor tool and what does it look like?
Answerit has to long bolts that connect to the primary and a bolt that turns inward and compresses the spring and hub. I know Tedds V-Twin sells them. You would have to go througth a dealer to get one. They are only a wholesaler
Good luck and happy riding