Motorcycle Repair: i got a 82 kawaski kz1100 got problem with elctronic, starter solenoid, kawasaki kz1100

i turn the key on everything lights up but i push the starter butten nouthing happens i hook a starter butten to the battery and to the starter silinoid and it starts right up i have checked all the connecters on it they are tight no breaks in the wires what could cause this to happen my Kawasaki kz1100 has a faring with a windshield in the faring it has the blinkers and head light i been thinking it is the ignighter or known as the ICM but i am not sure

Hi Mike,

If your bike starts when you apply power
to the starter solenoid then your
ignitor is probably okay.

The most likely problem is the starter
lockout switch which is located on
the clutch lever.

This is a safety device so the bike
will not start when it is in gear
unless the clutch is pulled.

When you pull the clutch the switch
should connect the two wires together.

This allows the battery power from the engine stop
switch to flow to the starter button and
then onward to the starter solenoid
when you push the starter button.

So, check the clutch switch and make
sure the power is getting through
it when the starter button is pushed.
(The key must be on and also the stop
switch on "run" position)

If there is no power at the clutch
switch then you may have a broken wire
leading to it.

Good luck!
Wayne S.