Motorcycle Repair: 2011 Fat Boy Lo noise and vibration, harley guy, new vibration
QuestionI recently purchased a 2011 Fat Boy Lo. I have right at 700 miles on it. At highway speeds (65-75) I'm getting a vibration under load...if I back off the throttle, come off the freeway, or Idle it feels smooth. When I put the first 500 miles on it, it felt smooth, now I'm noticing that, as well as the counterbalance being very loud.
This is my first this normal and to be expected after "break-in"? Harley guy said the counterbalance is always noisy, I'm worried about the new vibration. It feels like every time the exhaust "pops" you can feel it resonate through the bike.
RPM's too low? what is the cruising RPM supposed to be at?
AnswerThe counter balance should not be really noisy and to me is not normal. Its tough for me to tell you anything due to the fact I cant hear it. I would have it checked and not take their word that thats normal. The exhaust should not pop either
Good luck and happy riding