Questioni actually have2 questions, 1- do you know where i can find the tourque specs for head bolts and camshaft caps on my 86 honda interceptor 700? I also need to know where i can find a timing mark diagram so i know how to line marks up. cant find a book anywhere around here and i hate to wait for one to come in mail
AnswerChris, I guess I only have one real answer for your two questions.
Here is a reference to a discussion on cam timing on the VFR site, which might work:
Check further in the site for more leads, if necessary. I have never opened up a VFR750 motor, so have no direct experience to share with you on that part. Guess you didn't mark the cams when you removed them. When you get them in, turn the motor over with a wrench REAL SLOWLY a couple of times, so you are sure that nothing is going to hit when you start it up.
Bolts are bolts, just use the chart listed here for hardness types and thread sizes/pitch.
Bill Silver