Motorcycle Repair: carburator troubles?, screw out, fuel mixture
QuestionQUESTION: I am trying to get my 1982 400 maxim back on the road. It has sat in the garage for many years not started. I put new spark plugs added gas and gave it a try. The bike kicks over, but oputters out. Looks like one plug only firing. I have been told probably the carb needs repair, however I am not sure it is something I can do. I hear you need special tools and lots of tricky parts involved. I pulled the card out myself and would bring in to a shop, but once rebuilt can I just install and go, or do I need a special tool to adjust and balance mixture of gas and air?? The bike is in really clean shape with minimal mileage and I believe worth repair.
ANSWER: You are right as the carb can be bench set but to get the best out of your bike it will need to be adjusted to the bikes needs. Idle speed and the fuel mixture.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: So it sounds like I can install carb, but I should bring to a shop to adjust idle speed and fuel mixture. Is there special tool that accmplishe that? I have a quote for $250 to rebuild the carb. sound reasonable. And thereafer, I guess they would have to adjust the carb once installed. Do you suspect the bike will start and I can ride it to the shop to be adjusted?
AnswerTo be honest thats a little high. Usually the going rate is 1 hr per carb plus parts,maybe 125 to 150.00 The idle can be set using the tach by the handle bars try 950 to 1000 rpm for a start. The mixture screw is adjusted to smooth out the idle with a tool that has a 90 degree gear head with a screw driver tip the will allow it to be adjusted at operating temp.If you need to take it into a shop for the final adjustment try loosening the mounting clamps tilting the carb and backing the mix screw out to about 2 1/2 turns from bottoming and tilt carb back and tighten clamps and try again.This may save you about 100.00 dollars.