Motorcycle Repair: 1979 ds 80, middle groove, needle move
QuestionHi have a 1979 ds 80 I have been looking fo the right settings on the carbator could u help me
AnswerThere are some factory settings to start with when they are new but have to be tweeked as they get older with use. Start with the carb off and make sure the float is working and shutting off the fuel.The mixture screw may need to start at 1 1/2 turns out from all the way in. The slide needle in the top portion on the slide is adjustable.Remove it and check where the E-clip is positioned. There are 5 grooves in the needle start in the 3rd groove down from the top or middle groove. It can be moved later. Re-install with a fresh spark plug.Now start the bike and get it warmed up then set the idle speed then the mixture as this smooths out the idle will need to be re-adjusted.Take the bike for a short ride.Shift up to a higher gear such as 4th with the throttle partially on and twist it open to accerate if the bike sputters or coughs under a load the needle may need to be raised if so pull the slide back out and the needle. Move the E-clip down 1 groove this will raise the needle up and allow more fuel in on accleration and try again.Happy Motoring.