QuestionI have had this bike in a heated garage since the mid 1980s. It has been stored for the last 25 years, after having only a few thousand miles put on it. I decided that I would like to again ride and took this bike to a mechanic who told me that the engine was seized and that he would have to disassemble it to clean the cylinders. He came to this conclusion after finding that he could not turn the engine by using the kick starter. I brought the bike back to my home and found that after pushing the bike down a gentle slope and popping the clutch on three occasions, the motor seems to be turning freely and I can certainly turn the motor also by stepping on the kick starter.
My question is whether or not I may have reason for hope. Should I take it back to this mechanic or some other to do a compression check etc. Does my experience with the bike, after fogging the upper cylendars give me reason to question the mechanic who told me to use the bike as a parts bike. It looks nearly new and I hate to give up on it, but want to be objective as well. Thanks for your input.
AnswerHi Brent,
In my opinion do not let anyone take
the bike apart at this point.
It was probably some minor rust on the piston
rings holding the pistons in the cylinders
but now that it has broken loose
it just needs some lubrication
and running to clean it up.
Whether it did much damage is debatable.
If the compression is reasonable and
all cylinders are about the same then
I would just lube what you can
and fill the float bowls with Yamaha
carb cleaner ovenight and drain them.
Get a new battery and see if it will
start. Warm it up and then change the
oil and oil filter.
Sometimes taking a good bike apart causes
more damage than just running it
and seeing if it seems okay at that point.
A mechanic without experience could cause
more harm to your bike than running it as is.
A little rust in the cylinders is common
after being parked so long.
It may not even be a big issue.
A few runs might just wash it away.
Worse case would be that it
needs new rings and the cylinders
deglazed. A bike with low mileage
like that is better left in one piece
unless it is absolutely necessary to
take it apart.
You will have to get the fuel system cleaned
up and oil changed if it runs okay.
I can't see any reason not to restore it
to running condition.
Check the fuel flow to carbs, check tire
condition, check oil, lubricate the cylinders,
clean electrical connector plugs of corrosion
if need be.
Soak or remove and clean carbs thoroughly.
Check fuel lines, spark plugs, air filter.
Use a fully charged battery.
These are very good bikes so get a manual
and forget the mechanics that want you to part it.
I bet it will run great with a little restoration
and clean up.
Good luck!
Wayne S.