Motorcycle Repair: amps, goldwing interstate, honda goldwing
QuestionCan you tell me what the rated amp output was for the 1980 honda goldwing interstate?Thank you
AnswerI had forwarded your previous question to the question pool, but since I see this is frustrating you, I'll attempt an answer, hopefully you will realize the Goldwing is NOT on my list of motorcycles I accept questions on, so consider this a freebie.
Most, if not all, motorcycle charging systems are done with alternators, not generators. Generators use permanent magnets to generate electricity, and do not need a voltage present to operate. An alternator will NOT work if there is no battery or other system to generate a field in the primary side. The voltage regulator will put the required amount of current into the rotor or primary to provide the field that will produce the requested voltage and current out of the stator or secondary section. If the engine revs are too low, this system is not efficient enough to generate high voltages at low engine speeds, so the engine speed will pay a role in the voltage coming out. If your battery is fully charged, then the current flow will be quite small, and the voltmeter will not change that much, normally the voltage will not go much above 14V at 2500 rpm. If the battery is bad or if you have poor connections somewhere, you can see more fluctuations so keep an eye on things. Check the battery after stopping for a while, the voltage should not really go far away from 12V. Since your bike has a lot of electrical circuits, check for leakage currents by putting an ampmeter in series with the battery, do not run any accessories or the ignition with that connected since you may blow up the meter, just look that there is not more than about 5 milliAmps leakage current flowing with nothing switched on. The rated output current of your alternator is based on the stock motorcycle. If you suspect anything, first double check your battery, and connections. If you run more accessories, perhaps consider something like:
Good luck, Jan