Motorcycle Repair: honda cbx1000 timing tuning, honda cbx1000, crank case
QuestionHey, I recently picked up a '79 cbx, it needed some work so I took it upon myself to strip the motor and clean it out. The problem I have is, I can't seem to get the timing right, I don't understand all the markings and numbers that's on either side of the cranck. Please can u help, please. Thanks
AnswerBrave man, good luck with the project! The crank has a number of scribes on it, A's and B's. The crank case has a number of roman numerals. These are all related to the bearing shells. each combination gives a unique bearing shell color, to be used in that place only. You will really need a manual. If you inspected the bearings but did not move them, then things should be OK. The main makes are on the very end of the crank (the end with no hex nut) and there is a line with a T (top dead center) and an F, (firing) Assemble the engine with the T-mark lined up on the crankcase split line. That should give you the two end pistons at the top of their travel. Have fun, Jan