Motorcycle Repair: wiring problem superglide fxe, starter shaft, circuit breakers
QuestionMike, this is what I have-----I've tested the starter relay,solenoid,and starter motor and all seem to be in working order. wiring is as following----starter relay has 3 terminations-(1)black wire from start button to small terminal (2)2 red wires on large terminal(1 wire from key switch and 1 wire from + battery (3)green wire on large terminal goes to small terminal on solenoid---solenod has 3 terminations-(1)green wire from starter relay goes to small terminal (2)red and heavy + battery cable on large terminal (3)heavy cable to solenoid on large terminal. This is what is happening---turn key switch on,press the start button and the solenoid pulls the starter shaft into starter ring but the starter motor does not kick over. After a few times of pressing starter button one of the circuit breakers trips and then resets itself. That's it, I hope you can come up with something---I've tried switching wires around but nothing seems to be working right now----thanks as always Greg
AnswerSince your popping a breaker you are drawing to much current and overheating the circuit. Since the starter shaft is moving, but the starter motor is not turning I would suspect the starter is bad and overloading the circuit
Good luck and happy riding