Motorcycle Repair: clutch adjustment??, clutch adjustment, clutch cable

Hi Mike, i have a 1988 softail im having an issue with. I cant shift into neutral while the bike is running. Also, it seems like i have to pull really hard to get it to shift from first to second untill i get it out and ride it a bit. There was some slack in the clutch cable and i've adjusted it, and i've checked to make sure the primary chain does not need adjusting, and that i have the right amount of oil. Do you think it's an adjustment problem. My service manual talks about a neutral indicator switch, could this be the problem? thanks

I have seen older harleys that are hard to get into netural. Its because of wear on the shifting drum and you will have to replace it. Your other problem is probably related to the shifter drum as well or the spacing on the shifter dogs.
Good luck and happy riding