QuestionI have engine that will start runs however after 10 minutes or hard use moving snow will lock up. After it cools it will start again. Just replaced battery but it does not always srart it just clicks.
AnswerHi Lonnie,
The Polaris 300 models use a two-stroke/cycle engine.
This means they need either a premix of fuel/oil
in the gas tank or they have a tank for injection
oil and an injection oil pump.
It can do great damage if it is running
without lubrication.
If you have been adding two-stroke oil
to the tank then the oil injection pump
may have to be checked.
If you do not use the oil tank then you
have to mix about 4 ounces of two-stroke/cycle
oil to each gallon of gas to lubricate the engine.
If the engine still seizes up and stops after adding oil
to the fuel it might be that the top end of the engine needs
a rebuild. The piston and cylinder can be damaged
by seizures. When the piston is worn the combustion
gases can blow by the side of the rings and
piston and that burns away the needed lubrication.
If the engine is locking up then try some lube
in the fuel. Then if it doesn't help you may
have to rebuild the engine.
The Polaris 300 as I recall may have had some
crankshaft bearing problems. The connecting
rod bearings may be seizing up.
It may be time to either rebuild or replace the
old fellow.
If the starter clicks it may be because
the engine won't turn or could
be the starter relay or the starter itself.
The two-stroke engines are more susceptible
to engine wear and seizures due to running
hotter than the four-strokes which are
more in use now.
Good luck with it,
Wayne S.