QuestionQUESTION: I recently managed to get hold of a 72 CB 500 here in Pakistan. My mechanic couldn't find the points. when i start the bike, the left head heats up very quickly. i manage to drive the bike a few yards when it starts missing and turns off. then i need to let it rest for a while and after kicking for some time it starts. Is there a way I can get a CDI unit installed? If so, what would be the best course of action? please bear in mind that getting parts shipped from US is very expensive. I'll need to stick to the local market.
ANSWER: How have you diagnosed this to a CDI unit? It is amazing people always want to replace the computer or another black module. Do your diagnostics complete. Measure the compression. Do a leak-down test. Check the fuel supply, ensure the carbs are clean and work properly. After all the basics have been checked, you can see if there is an issue with timing or ignition, after checking the integrity of coils, leads, spark plugs, spark caps, etc. and reall ALL the BASICS have been verified, perhaps then you can start looking at modules. Do the job right and you will save money too.
Good luck, Jan
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Jan,
I haven't been able to get hold of a good mechanic. My mechanic told me that he was not able to find the points and suggested I get a CDI unit installed. I wish I could do the things you have mentioned myself. I guess I'll need to learn things the hard way. Do you, by the way, have an electronic copy of CB 500 repair manual? Will that help? How do I check the compression? Fuel supply is good. The mechanic said the carbs are fine. The bike has new spark plugs.
I am not sure how I need to proceed.
AnswerIf your mechanic cannot find the points, then how is he going to install a CDI unit? Sounds like you need to find a new mechanic. You might be able to score a manual on ebay, or there are people who specialize in old manuals that may be able to help you. If a mechanic who cannot find points tells me the carbs are OK, I would recheck them first. Sounds to me like your fuel supply is not sufficient, check the gas cap breather and the fuel tap. Good luck, Jan